MOSCOW, April 26. Endocrinologist Tatyana Bocharova told how many onions can be eaten per day, and who needs to exclude them from the diet. She noted that the calorie content of onions is only 40 calories per 100 grams. The vegetable is rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid. «The fact that onion itself strengthens the immune system is a myth; however, it contains many phytoncides — active substances that interfere with the growth of bacteria and viruses. The vegetable stimulates digestion and appetite, is a mild diuretic and eliminates toxins. Onions are important for blood formation: for example, it contains cobalt, which is part of vitamin B12. B12 is responsible, in particular, for the creation of red blood cells, the processing of cholesterol and vitamin D. Onions contain a lot of silicon, which is necessary for blood vessels, bones, and hair health, «says Tatiana Bocharova.Yesterday, 03:30 AM What will happen to the body if you eat a handful of raisins every day However, there are contraindications: onions should not be eaten by people who have pancreatitis, gastritis or peptic ulcer disease.