GENERICO.ruВ миреNobody tortured detainees at protests in Belarus, Lukashenka said

Nobody tortured detainees at protests in Belarus, Lukashenka said

MINSK, 9 Aug. There were no tortures against those detained in Belarus at opposition protests, they got bruises on the street in clashes with security officials, President of the Republic Alexander Lukashenko said on Monday. Yesterday the person I sent to investigate Akrestsin Street answered so eloquently. There were, as he says, 2,000 people, maybe even more … 47 people are serving in Akrestsin Street. Did they torture 2,000 people? fake, this is not true. Listen, why torture them? There was no investigation there … And if there was someone with bruises, they got them on the street when they rushed to the internal troops and riot police. «, — said Lukashenko during the» Big Conversation with the President «, the event is broadcasted live by Belarusian TV channels. There was no need to try them. “Look at these shots: they are so accommodating, they are so kind, and they generally went to the store. Therefore, there was no torture, it was invented, because you (the media of Western countries — ed.) Had to come up with it,” Lukashenka said … Lukashenko explained the long protests in Belarus after the presidential elections After the presidential elections in Belarus on August 9, 2020, in which Lukashenko won for the sixth time, who, according to the CEC, gained 80.1% of the vote, mass opposition protests began in the country, to suppress which security officials also used special means and special equipment. At the initial stage, the protests in Minsk and the regions were associated with riots. On February 11, the KGB of Belarus announced that the situation in the country had stabilized, the peak of the protests had passed, their manifestations had practically disappeared. In Belarus, criminal cases have been initiated against a number of opposition leaders, including calls for the seizure of power, the creation of an extremist group, a conspiracy to seize state power by unconstitutional means, and attempted terrorist attacks. The Belarusian authorities have repeatedly stated that protests in the country are being coordinated from abroad. Lukashenka accused the West of direct interference in the situation in the republic, noted that the unrest is directed by the United States, and the Europeans «play along» with it. Among the countries from which the protest actions are coordinated, Lukashenka named Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Ukraine. Lukashenko also stated that outside forces, wishing to destroy the independent republic, tried to implement a «color revolution» in Belarus, which failed, although «an unprecedented challenge was thrown down to statehood.» «There was no smell of peaceful actions there»: Lukashenka spoke about opposition protests


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