MOSCOW, Aug 10. Almost a third of Russian employers have faced sick sickness abuse among employees, and one in four believes that this may be a reason for dismissal, according to a study at the disposal of RIA Novosti, conducted by the digital medical service Doctor Near and the Russian online recruiting platform hh. ru among more than 1,500 HR managers across the country. «The respondents were asked to answer questions about whether there are employees in their teams who, from their point of view, overdo it with sick leave, and how the respondents relate to such employees . 29% indicated that there are such employees in their teams. 24% believe that the abuse of sick leave «may rather» be a reason for dismissal, «- said in the message. The government will work out the full payment of sick leave to parents of preschoolers. In addition, 2% indicated that the abuse of sick leave «definitely can» be a reason for dismissal. At the same time, the majority of respondents (54%) are convinced that this cannot be a reason for dismissal. The majority of HR managers (68%) noted that sick people in their companies are asked to work during illness, 31% specified that employees are asked to work only in case of force majeure. ): whether they were fired for health reasons. Only 8% said that they were fired. The rest did not face this. the region is 10% of the respondents, in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region — 18%, in the Krasnodar region — 11%, and in the Novosibirsk region — 11%. As part of the study, employees also shared their views on the importance of health for building a career — for 86% of respondents, health is of paramount importance. “More often than others, representatives of the working staff (47%), workers in the construction sector (33%), respondents from the field of science and education (33%), workers in the agricultural sector (30 %) and tourism (29%). Less often than others — IT-specialists (19%) «, — the study also says. The Ministry of Labor announced how much money is needed to increase sick leave payments