GENERICO.ruВ миреIn Russia, the list of software for pre-installation on gadgets has been updated

In Russia, the list of software for pre-installation on gadgets has been updated

MOSCOW, Aug 10. The Government of the Russian Federation approved the list of Russian software (software), which must be pre-installed on gadgets in 2022, the corresponding order is published on the official portal of legal information. «To approve the attached list of Russian programs for electronic computers that must be pre-installed on certain types technically complex goods in 2022, «the document says. According to the adopted document, the updated list includes the OK Video program (copyright holder — Group) from the class of programs for accessing social networks for pre-installation on Smart TV. The order comes into force on January 1, 2022, at the same time, a similar list approved at the end of December 2020 (effective from April 2021) will be invalidated. In Russia, from April 1, 2021, it is forbidden to sell certain types of technically complex goods without preinstalling the Russian software prescribed by the government. The Ministry of Digital Development plans to coordinate the development of production technologies


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