GENERICO.ruВидеоLondon is stuck in traffic jams due to a breakdown on Tower Bridge. Video

London is stuck in traffic jams due to a breakdown on Tower Bridge. Video

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Car and pedestrian traffic on the bridge is closed.

The world famous Tower Bridge remains open in the British capital London.

According to available information, parts of the historic structure were unable to sink after being raised in the afternoon for the passage of a large wooden vessel.

In this regard, the police announced the closure of car and pedestrian traffic on the bridge connecting central and south London, which provoked large traffic jams throughout the city.

That being said, Tower Bridge will remain open overnight and could cause additional traffic problems on Tuesday.

As you know, Tower Bridge — a combined suspension and drawbridge in central London over the River Thames — was opened in 1894. Usually the bridge is raised about 800 times a year.


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