GENERICO.ruВ миреNew York Governor Will Resign Over Harassment Allegations

New York Governor Will Resign Over Harassment Allegations

WASHINGTON, Aug 10 New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that he would step down in two weeks amid allegations of sexual harassment. he said in a televised address to residents of the state. «My resignation will take effect in 14 days,» he said. According to him, after his resignation, the leadership of New York will pass to his deputy Katie Hochul. Ministers in Australia have been required to undergo harassment training «(She is) smart and competent, transit should be hassle-free,» he said. Investigations conducted by the state attorney's office found 11 women were targeted by Cuomo, including his direct reports, who were kissed, hugged and touched by the governor. subtext. During his speech, he apologized to the women; President Joe Biden, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, US Senators from New York called for Cuomo's resignation, and state legislators began preparations for impeachment proceedings. The star of the movie «Only old men go to battle» accused of harassment


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