GENERICO.ruВ миреThe head of the Federal Tax Service told how much money the tax on the rich will bring to...

The head of the Federal Tax Service told how much money the tax on the rich will bring to the budget

MOSCOW, Aug 10. Budget revenues from increased personal income tax for the rich for 6 months amounted to almost 29 billion rubles, and for the whole of 2021 the Federal Tax Service expects 70 billion rubles from this source, said the head of the department Daniil Egorov at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. talk about the personal income tax rate, then more than 29 billion rubles have already been collected, and in general we expect to reach 70 billion rubles for the year, «Egorov said. Starting this year, personal income tax in Russia has been increased from 13% to 15% for incomes over 5 million rubles a year. In contrast to income tax revenues from the base rate, which are sent to regional budgets, tax collections on the rich go to the federal budget. «I want to remind you that these sums will go to help children with orphan diseases,» added the head of the Federal Tax Service. At the same time, in the law on the budget for the current year and three years, additional revenues from the increased personal income tax are provided at the level of 60 billion rubles in 2021, 64 billion in 2022 and 68.5 billion in 2023. The State Duma proposed to reduce the tax on cars


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