GENERICO.ruВ миреThe infectious disease specialist spoke about the risk group and the manifestations of the postcoid syndrome

The infectious disease specialist spoke about the risk group and the manifestations of the postcoid syndrome

MOSCOW, Aug 10. Postcoid syndrome does not develop in all those who have been ill, but it can manifest itself even in patients who have suffered the disease easily or in an asymptomatic form, the infectious disease doctor, chief physician of the Invitro-Siberia clinical diagnostic laboratory, Andrei Pozdnyakov, told RIA Novosti. the syndrome averages 4-4.5 months from the onset of symptoms, «he said. The most common manifestations are impaired lung function, including shortness of breath and non-restoring oxygen saturation: such changes are visible during instrumental examinations, and up to 70% of patients encounter them. «Next is asthenovegetative syndrome, a nervous disorder that includes increased fatigue, irritability, and decreased concentration. and, as a consequence, a decrease in the quality of life in general. Various functional and neurological disorders are found in 50-60% of patients with postcoid syndrome, «Pozdnyakov said. Approximately 30% have persistent neurological disorders, about 20-25% have a lesion the heart — by damage to its membrane or myocardium, 50% have vascular lesions, about 25-30% are caused by gastrointestinal disorders, including liver and pancreatic dysfunctions, the specialist lists. But the course of the disease itself has no direct effect on the severity of the postcoid syndrome, Pozdnyakov continued, noting that already «compromised» organs and systems suffer more often. «One of the factors that influences the development of post-coid syndrome is immunity. A person with a weak immune response is more likely to tolerate the coronavirus easily, because the body will not overreact and overreact. But the same weak immune response contributes to the long-term stay of the virus in the body. , a virus for a longer period can contribute to damage to systems and organs, «he explained. A marker of post-coid syndrome is an increase in the level of antibodies upon repeated analysis, but the most difficult thing to diagnose is its neurological manifestations, which are not detected either by laboratory or instrumental methods, Pozdnyakov concluded. … July 13, 01:29 PM


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