MOSCOW, 11 Aug. The task of vaccination against coronavirus is to take control of the epidemiological process, but this does not mean that when collective immunity is achieved, it will be possible to completely defeat the virus, elimination — reducing the incidence to zero — is unlikely to be achieved, infectious disease doctor Evgeny Timakov told RIA Novosti. With reference to the head of the Oxford group on the creation of a vaccine against coronavirus, collaborating with AstraZeneca, Professor Andrew Pollard, reported that the variant of the delta coronavirus makes it impossible to form herd immunity from COVID-19, since those already vaccinated will become infected. A British professor called herd immunity from COVID-19 impossible «The task of vaccination is not to kill the virus, we will never destroy it, it will still remain. it was easy to live, «said Timakov. He noted that vaccination is necessary to take the epidemiological process under control, but this does not mean that it will be possible to cope with the virus completely, it will circulate in the population in any case, changing. Answering the question whether it will ever be possible to achieve elimination of the virus, Timakov answered that complete — no. The Ministry of Health called the time frame for achieving collective immunity to COVID-19