MOSCOW, 11 Aug. Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, within the framework of the new master's program, will help to train radiochemists who are in demand in nuclear medicine, primarily in radiopharmaceutical chemistry, the corresponding agreement was signed by the chemistry department and the Rosatom company Rusatom Healthcare. environment of the University of Fukushima (Japan), is focused on training specialists with a deep understanding of radiochemical production, GMP standards (good manufacturing practice) and project management competencies, according to a joint press release from Moscow State University and Rusatom Healthcare. Nine-year-old Alisa Teplyakova passed the entrance exams at Moscow State University. It is planned that the masters who have successfully completed the program will be employed at the first in Russia plant for the production of world-class radiopharmaceuticals, which is scheduled to be built in 2024 in Obninsk, Kaluga region. “The program arose as a reaction to an acute shortage of personnel in the field of nuclear medicine and, in particular, radiopharmaceutical chemistry. Therefore, our graduates have every chance to secure a rapid career in this field. specialists involved the most highly qualified teachers of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University «, — said Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry Stepan Kalmykov, whose words are given in the message. Rosatom will build a center for radiation sterilization of medical devices in Kazan RFLPs are the backbone of nuclear medicine and are widely used to diagnose and treat various diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular ailments.