MOSCOW, 11 Aug. The Iota variant of the coronavirus could increase the case fatality rate for COVID-19 infection by 46-82% among older people, according to the New York City Department of Health and Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. Published on, researchers analyzed epidemiological data collected in New York from November 2020 to April 2021, conducting mathematical modeling to determine transmission rate, immunity evasion and lethality. strain. The WHO called the only way to protect a person from mutations of the coronavirus The authors of the work found that, compared with other strains, the «iota» variant increased the mortality rate during infection by 46% in persons aged 45-64 years, by 82% in the range of 65-74 years , by 62% for people over 75 years old. In addition, according to experts, the transmission rate of B. 1.526 was 15-25% higher than that of the previously circulating strains. At the same time, he could overcome immunity in 0-10% of those who had previously undergone the infection. The «Iota» strain of the coronavirus was first detected in New York in November 2020, later it spread throughout the United States, and subsequently it was found in 27 more countries around the world. Iota was the dominant strain in New York between November 2020 and March 2021, with the emergence of the more contagious variant B. 1.1.7 (alpha), the prevalence of B. 1.526 gradually declined, according to the scientists. March included iota in the list of strains of interest. WHO has listed four options as “of concern”: alpha (British), beta (South African), gamma (Brazilian) and delta (Indian). Bloomberg: COVID-19 Delta Strain May Need New Vaccines