GENERICO.ruВ мире"Vector" spoke about the lethality of the iota strain of coronavirus

«Vector» spoke about the lethality of the iota strain of coronavirus

MOSCOW, 11 Aug. For the age group 65-74 years, the lethality with the iota strain is 1.8 times higher than other variants of coronavirus infection, and does not reach 82%, the Vector Center told reporters. the iota variant was reported to increase the risk of death from infection by 46%, 82%, and 62% in individuals aged 45-64, 65-74, and over 75, respectively. high lethality of the iota variant relative to the estimated indicator for the previous variants. In particular, for the age group of 65-74 years, it is said about an increase of 82%, that is, 1.8 times, and not up to 82%, «the message says. At the same time, the conclusion about an 82% increase in the risk of mortality was made using modeling and may differ from the real values, the center specified. Efficiency of Sputnik V against the delta strain of coronavirus was 83%


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