MOSCOW, 12 Aug. The situation with coronavirus in Russia will probably only stabilize by winter, since it takes time to form an immune layer, infectious disease doctor Evgeny Timakov told RIA Novosti. September, there will be an increase in the incidence, as people will return from vacations, go to work, to school, those who do not have immunity and who do not want to be vaccinated will start to get sick, «Timakov said. He explained that an increase in the incidence is still possible, since in the country has not yet formed an immune layer, this takes time. Vaccination against coronavirus is carried out in all regions of the Russian Federation. In August 2020, the Ministry of Health of Russia registered the world's first vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19, developed by the Gamaleya Research Center for Electrochemistry. It was named «Sputnik V». Also in Russia, vaccines against COVID-19 have been created — «EpiVacCorona» from the «Vector» center of Rospotrebnadzor and «KoviVak», developed by the Chumakov Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In early May, it became known about the registration of the fourth domestic vaccine «Sputnik Light». Scientists assess the danger of the iota-strain of coronavirus identified in the USA