GENERICO.ruВ миреFraudsters come up with a scheme to cheat with a call from the police

Fraudsters come up with a scheme to cheat with a call from the police

MOSCOW, 12 Aug. Telephone scammers have invented a new method of deceiving Russians, reports «360». It is noted that a resident of Moscow could become the attackers. She explained in an interview with the TV channel that an unknown man called her from the city number, who introduced himself as the captain of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and informed about the need to conduct an inquiry. The fraudster told the interlocutor that a woman unknown to her came with a notarized power of attorney to the bank and tried to take out a loan in her name. Later, the man tried to find out information about the accounts of the Muscovite, referring to federal legislation, but the woman caught the «police officer» in deception.

«He said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Central Bank want to give me financial protection in accordance with the law,» said the channel's interlocutor.

Lawyer Sergei Afanasyev, in an interview with the channel, explained that police officers would not call in such a situation, and there is no law on «financial protection» against such machinations. The lawyer added that law enforcement officials do not find out the details of bank accounts and fraudulent activities over the phone — there is an established procedure for this. Fraudsters have come up with a fraudulent scheme with the issuance of a loan without the knowledge of the client


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