MOSCOW, 11 Aug. Google Trends, which tracks the fastest growing searches on Google, reported that in 2006, Russian users asked a search engine about the Pussycat Dolls and Pirates of the Caribbean, while in 2021 they are looking more for the artist Sultan Laguchev and the movie Batya, they say. on Google's blog. The company decided to «look at the trends of yesteryear and compare what people were looking for in 2006 and today» on the occasion of 15 years of Google Trends. The algorithm behind it identifies topics in which user interest is growing the fastest. Lukashenko's residence in Google Maps was designated as «Dictator's Estate» In 2006, the group Pussycat Dolls took the first place in the fastest growing requests of Russians in the category «music». In this segment, Russian users were also interested in the Gorod 312 group and the singer Rihanna. In 2021, the top three searches in «music» were headed by Sultan Laguchev with the song «Bitter taste», the second place was taken by the rapper Morgenstern and his song «If I slept with you», the third place was taken by the INNA singer with the composition Flashbacks. As far as motion pictures are concerned, 15 years ago Russians most often searched for the films «Pirates of the Caribbean», «Borat» and «Ice Age». In 2021, the fastest growing requests in this category were films «Dad», «Cruella» and «Mortal Kombat». Google will present smartphones running on a new chip in the fall As the service data show, in 2006, Russians often asked a search engine about news about actor Sergei Rychenkov, artist Pavel Volya and actor Edward Norton. In 2021, the top three in the Celebrity News category are rapper Morgenstern, actor Zack Snyder and actress Irina Kupchenko. Popular searches in the segment of television shows among Russians in 2006 were Comedy Club, Ice Age, and Star Factory. In 2021, they were replaced by «Bachelor», «Last Hero», «House 2».