GENERICO.ruВ миреIzvestia: NPFs may be obliged to return illegally confiscated savings

Izvestia: NPFs may be obliged to return illegally confiscated savings

MOSCOW, 12 Aug. From 2022, non-state insurance pension funds (NPF) may oblige to reimburse funds to citizens if they were transferred to other insurance companies in violation of the law, Izvestia writes with reference to the amendments prepared by the government. October The document is designed to protect the rights of those who keep pension savings in NPFs and may lose them in the event of an early transition from one fund to another. The authors of the initiative drew attention to the fact that now the possibility of returning the investment income is not provided, and the restoration of the funded pension on the pension account is carried out in court, but in some cases refusals occur. The bill proposes to oblige the insurers from whom the pension savings were transferred to restore on the account of the insured person the amount of the investment income withdrawn during the early transfer. For this, as the document says, it is necessary that the court invalidate the compulsory pension insurance contract. The expert explained who is entitled to an increase in pension in August


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