GENERICO.ruВ миреKuleba joked about Lavrov's trip to Crimea and again threatened "stones from the sky"

Kuleba joked about Lavrov's trip to Crimea and again threatened «stones from the sky»

MOSCOW, 12 Aug. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba spoke sharply on Twitter about the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to Crimea. The diplomat's attention was drawn to the weather on the peninsula: Kuleba jokingly stated that «even a rainstorm» is against the Russians. Lavrov called the forum of the Crimean Platform planned by Kiev a Sabbath. And it’s still stones from the sky that have not started to fall, ”he added. In early August, Kuleba said that Ukraine would wait for the right moment to «return Crimea», and also threatened the inhabitants of the peninsula with «stones from the sky.» In addition, he compared the region to the historical region of Alsace, which France took back, seizing the moment. Culeba added that the Crimean Platform forum could be held «in any weather.» The Ukrainian general told how Moscow will punish Kiev for «patriotism» During the so-called summit of the «Crimean Platform» Kiev plans to discuss the issue of «returning» the peninsula. The summit is scheduled for 23 August. The Ukrainian side offered to join the event to a number of states, including the United States, Turkey, Great Britain, Canada, as well as the EU countries. Moscow has repeatedly emphasized that the inhabitants of Crimea democratically, in full compliance with international law and the UN Charter, voted for reunification with Russia. Now, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Crimea issue is «finally closed.» In Crimea, participants of the «Crimean Platform» were warned about the consequences


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