GENERICO.ruВ миреThe organizer of the "language patrols" in Kazakhstan said about the insult to the Russians

The organizer of the «language patrols» in Kazakhstan said about the insult to the Russians

MOSCOW, 11 Aug. The organizer of nationalist actions in Kazakhstan, Kuat Akhmetov, announced the allegedly disdainful attitude of Russians towards their compatriots. An audio recording of a conversation with journalists was published on the RT telegram channel. Kazakhstan reacted to the appearance of «patrols» against the Russian language «You have an arrogant society. You have a syndrome of» Ravshan and Dzhamshut «, you insult Tajiks, although they make some contribution, build houses. You come here, to Kazakhstan, and also such hatred — I don't know from where, «he said. Later, Akhmetov added that the language «patrols», during which attacks, in particular, the Russian-speaking residents of Kazakhstan, were organized to support those who do not speak two languages. «Kazakhs know Russian, but Kazakhs who do not speak Russian come too. language, they want to be served in the Kazakh language at home, «he added. The Federation Council assessed the situation with nationalists in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Journalists also tried to clarify why Akhmetov posted ads in Russian when he was engaged in trade. In response, the organizer hung up the phone. In Kazakhstan, the state language is Kazakh. In state organizations and local self-government bodies, Russian is officially used on an equal basis with it. Earlier it was reported that the nationalists organized «checks» in stores. The participants of the raids were interested in whether the labels on the goods were translated into Kazakh, as well as what language sellers use in conversation with visitors. The representative of the Ministry of Information of Kazakhstan, Chingis Tokeyev, in an interview with RIA Novosti, called provocations on the language topic inappropriate. In Kyrgyzstan, a case was opened after an attack on a Russian-speaking saleswoman


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