GENERICO.ruВ миреThe specialist told how bitcoin is actually backed

The specialist told how bitcoin is actually backed

MOSCOW, 12 Aug. Interest in bitcoin is growing along with the growing distrust of fiat currencies and the activities of governments and central banks. Is it possible to consider that the cryptocurrency is secured in this way, Aaron Chomsky, the head of the investment department of ICB Fund, told the Prime agency. According to him, after the 2008 crisis, it became obvious that regulators, in order to «save» the economy, are ready to lower rates to negative values and use quantitative easing.

«The actual issue allows the banking system to continue lending, maintain aggregate demand and mitigate the crisis in the economy. The downside of the coin is the creation of prerequisites for inflation as the economy recovers, which reduces the purchasing power of money and undermines confidence in the currency security,» the specialist explained.

The interlocutor of the agency recalled that bitcoin, on the contrary, is devoid of an inflationary nature, and its «release» is limited to 21 million coins and a given algorithm. Chomsky suggested that «this can be considered a bitcoin collateral.» But at the same time, the expert points out that Bitcoin has another serious problem — high risks associated with regulatory uncertainty. Experts predicted the price of bitcoin by the end of August


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