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Water quality checked in Novorossiysk

MOSCOW, 11 Aug. The Novorossiysk Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor in the Krasnodar Territory checked seawater for contamination with oil products, the department said. «The content of oil products in seawater samples does not exceed the maximum permissible concentration,» the press service said. They also added that the samples were examined for microbiological, parasitological, sanitary-chemical and virological indicators, all of them correspond to hygienic standards. The oil spill into the Black Sea occurred on August 7, several kilometers offshore, while being injected onto the Greek tanker Minerva Symphony from an outboard mooring device. According to the press service of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium, about 12 cubic meters of raw materials were spilled on an area of about 200 square meters. At the same time, satellite images of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences show that the slick is 400 thousand times larger — almost 80 square kilometers. 21: 13ChP in the Anapa dolphinarium: oil slick on the water On an urgent basis, special protective filters were installed that absorb contaminants and prevent them from entering the enclosures to the inhabitants.


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