GENERICO.ruВ миреExperts have named the main mistake of all freelancers in Russia

Experts have named the main mistake of all freelancers in Russia

MOSCOW, 13 Aug. Many novice freelancers make the same mistake — they overwork, which can lead to a deterioration in the quality of their services, told RIA Novosti at SberSlugi. “Starting to work for themselves, many begin to make the same mistake: taking too many orders and It is important to maintain a balance between work and rest, «- said in the message. Experts advise to create a comfortable work schedule and remember that the quality of work also depends on the quality of your rest. The company also gave advice on how to find the first customers and start making money. The first clients should be looked for among friends and acquaintances. Experts recommend writing about yourself on social networks and registering for services by ordering services, as well as not forgetting about word of mouth — this is one of the best promotion tools, according to SberServices. Analysts have calculated the income of freelancers in Russia.Workers should also prepare a portfolio that will reflect their experience, knowledge, skills, be sociable and do not forget to issue checks for services rendered. «This will officially secure the deal with the buyer. Also, the official execution of services will give you the opportunity to work not only with individuals, but also individual entrepreneurs and companies, which will expand your customer base,» the company said. Experts have named an easy way to increase the income of the self-employed

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