MOSCOW, 13 Aug. The Russians called the professions of a doctor, cosmonaut and miner the most difficult, according to a study of the services and SberZdorovye, which is at the disposal of RIA Novosti. More than 5 thousand users of over 18 years old from all subjects took part in the study. RF. At the same time, more than half of the respondents (52%) noted that the doctor's profession is the most difficult. be good knowledge in basic natural sciences, such as physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, biochemistry, histology, embryology and the ability to connect physiological processes with a specific clinical picture, «commented Dmitry Vasilenko, head of the training direction of telemedicine doctors at SberZdorovya. About a third of the respondents indicated the complexity of the professions of astronauts (34%) and miners (32%). Difficulties in the work of sappers were identified by 30% of the study participants. 26% of surveyed residents of Russia consider the most difficult profession of firefighters, 24% — pilots, and 23% — teachers. The complexity of the activities of divers was noted by 15% of respondents, 13% — programmers, 12% — military, 10% — chemists and engineers. Other professions received less than 10% of the votes, and in the «Other» option, 8% of the respondents most often indicated that all professions are difficult in their own way. The most popular professions in Russia have been named The level of complexity of professions most of all depends on the high level of responsibility — this was noted by 53% of the respondents. 41% of respondents also indicated a high level of danger to life and health of representatives of complex professions. Another 38% of the survey participants noted the emotional intensity at work, and 32% of those surveyed indicated high requirements for qualifications and continuous training. 30% of respondents noted difficult working conditions in complex professions, 18% — irregular working hours, and 12% — low wages. The most unclaimed vacancies are named