GENERICO.ruВ миреTaliban take over capital of Afghan province Zabul

Taliban take over capital of Afghan province Zabul

MOSCOW, 13 Aug. Militants of the radical Taliban movement * (recognized as terrorist in Russia and prohibited) have seized the administrative center of the Afghan province of Zabul, located in the south of the country, the head of the provincial council told the agency that the provincial capital — the city of Kalat — on Friday was captured by militants. Officials now, he said, are in the nearest military camp and are preparing to leave. Taliban spokesman * explained the rapid seizure of cities in Afghanistan In Afghanistan, the confrontation between the government forces and the militants of the Taliban movement * (recognized as terrorist and prohibited in Russia) has been continuing for several years. big cities. The escalation is taking place against the backdrop of the withdrawal of American troops, which the Russian Foreign Ministry called recognition of the failure of Washington's mission in Afghanistan. In early August, the Taliban occupied the administrative center of one of the 34 Afghan provinces for the first time since 2016. After that, they announced the capture of more than ten more, clashes continue. Against this background, information appeared in the Western media with reference to sources in the US intelligence that the Taliban could block and even take control of Kabul for months. The Russian Embassy in the Afghan capital, commenting on this data, told RIA Novosti that the evacuation is not planned yet, the security of the diplomatic mission has been properly strengthened. * Terrorist organization banned in Russia

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