MOSCOW, 13 Aug. People who have suffered from COVID-19 often lose a significant portion of their muscle mass. Zukhra Pavlova, the candidate of medical sciences, endocrinologist at the Moscow State University clinic, the author of the Telegram channel «Doctor Pavlova», told Sputnik radio how to restore it without risk to health. She noted that if a person was seriously ill with COVID-19 and lay in the hospital, then he leaves there with a very noticeable weight loss. «Often this loss occurs due to muscle mass. Yes, fat mass is also lost, but primarily muscle mass. I have a patient who lost 30 kilograms, there was a very difficult story. But there are people who have lost only 3-4 kilograms, there can be completely different changes, «the candidate of medical sciences explained. without undue stress on the cardiovascular system, the doctor continued. The doctor warned about the dangerous consequences of COVID-19 «Even if a person before covid was very well trained, you still need to start with low-intensity activities. The safest story is walking and swimming. We start with walking and gradually increase the distance and walking speed,» advised Pavlova. She recommended that during classes, carefully monitor the pulse and increase the load only if the heart rate is normal. «Now everyone has smartwatches and smartphones and can clearly track the pulse. If the pulse rises at the beginning of physical activity, but recovers very quickly during classes, then you can move on to more intense types of load «, — noted Pavlova. She added that in cases where the restoration of muscle mass occurs very slowly or does not occur at all, a rehabilitation doctor can help. The Russians told why they postpone sports