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CEC explains how foreign agents can participate in election observation

MOSCOW, 8 Sep. The CEC of Russia has explained how foreign agents can participate in the observation of elections and their coverage. As noted in the explanations of the CEC announced on Wednesday, since the adoption in 2002 of the federal law » Federation «electoral law sets a limit on foreign interference in elections. The CEC explained how to apply to vote in the Mobile Voter «This restriction was originally envisaged for foreign citizens, stateless persons, foreign organizations. «, — said in the explanations. It is noted that the election legislation does not contain a direct prohibition to be observers for citizens associated with an organization performing the functions of a foreign agent.» Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation participating in the activities of an organization performing the functions of a foreign agent, have the right to be observers on an equal basis with other citizens of the Russian Federation, «the CEC emphasized. Like other citizens, they can only represent the subject that appointed them: a candidate, a political party or a public chamber, and exercise their observer rights only in the interests of the subjects who appointed them, and not in the interests of an organization acting as a foreign agent. Zakharova accused Western countries of campaigning to discredit the elections «In addition, acting in their personal capacity (on their own behalf) and not representing an organization performing the functions of a foreign agent, citizens can participate as attracted experts in training conducted by other organizations that have to this right, «- said in the explanations. An organization performing the functions of a foreign agent cannot carry out activities to organize the sending of observers to elections, train them and otherwise participate in election campaigns. Foreign media agents are not affected by the right to receive and disseminate information «In this regard, the media performing the functions of a foreign agent have the right to participate in informing voters, that is, to cover the ongoing election campaign, subject to the principles of reliability, objectivity and equality of rights of political parties and candidates,» the CEC explained. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation named a way to solve the problem of twin candidates from the peculiarities of their legal status, «the CEC emphasized. In addition, representatives of the media performing the functions of a foreign agent can be accredited by the CEC of Russia and the election commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including to be present at polling stations on voting days, covering the voting process equally with representatives of other media. Other issues related to the activities of organizations performing the functions of foreign agents are under the jurisdiction of other authorized state bodies. «The problem of Crimea», pensions and vaccines. With what the parties go to the elections «General requirements of the law for all media, regardless of their status. They receive accreditation on an equal basis with all and they cover elections in accordance with the law,» — said CEC Chairwoman Ella Pamfilova, speaking out at a meeting of the CEC .Voting in the Duma and other elections on a single voting day will take place this year from 17 to 19 September. elected for five years under a mixed electoral system: 225 deputies are elected from party lists, another 225 — from single-mandate constituencies in one round. June 18, 14:29 InfographicsElections to the State Duma — 2021InfographicsView


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