GENERICO.ruВ миреRyabkov spoke about the lack of progress in the work of the IAEA and Iran

Ryabkov spoke about the lack of progress in the work of the IAEA and Iran

MOSCOW, 8 Sep. Moscow is alarmed that there is no progress in normalizing the situation on cooperation between the IAEA and Iran and urges Tehran to show understanding on this topic, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told RIA Novosti. According to him, Moscow hopes that the US and the West will not complicate the situation around the restoration of the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA). The Permanent Representative of Russia in Vienna announced his readiness to conduct a dialogue with the United States on the JCPOA «Having said this, I cannot but say that we are, of course, alarmed and concerned that there is no progress in terms of normalizing the situation in terms of cooperation between the IAEA and Iran, a number of aspects remains in limbo, «Ryabkov stressed.» We call on the Iranian side to show a proper understanding in this matter that additional efforts are required on the part of Tehran, «the deputy minister said. Moscow urges Iran to restore cooperation with the IAEA


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