GENERICO.ruВ миреThe processing of glass and batteries is the least developed in Russia, the REO said

The processing of glass and batteries is the least developed in Russia, the REO said

MOSCOW, 8 Sep. Less than 1% of batteries and only 13.2% of glass produced are recycled in Russia, the head of the Russian environmental operator (REO) Denis Butsaev told RIA Novosti in an interview at the Eastern Economic Forum. «Glass and rubber are also a problem with batteries. Out of 20 thousand tons only 1.5 tons of batteries are processed, and there is only 5,000 capacity for processing. For glass we have a capacity of 450 thousand tons, but we need 1.5 million tons, while 198 thousand tons of glass are sent for processing. For rubber we need 300 thousand tons of capacities, now from 150 to 200 thousand tons are processed, «Butsaev said. The REO warned about the «collapsing» growth of waste He noted that all listed products are recyclable and fairly environmentally friendly. However, the lack of capacity negates the advantages of producing goods and packaging from these materials. Ecotechnoparks, which should be created in each of the federal districts, should solve this problem. The ecotechnoparks will house processing plants, he added. The Russian Ecological Operator, a public law company, was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on January 14, 2019. The key task of the REO is to form an integrated MSW management system in Russia. According to the national project «Ecology», this is necessary in order to reduce the volume of MSW burial and thereby reduce the environmental burden on the population. The goal by 2030 is to sort 100% of the volume of MSW and reduce by 50% waste that is sent to landfills. Achieving such indicators is impossible without building a circular economy. Therefore, among the tasks of the REO, on the one hand, is the creation of a recycling system and the involvement of raw materials into circulation for the manufacture of new products and energy production, and on the other hand, the stimulation of investment activity in the field of waste management. Moscow region took first place in the environmental media rating of regions


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