WASHINGTON, Sep 14. Microsoft founder, multi-billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates believes that humanity will be prepared for future pandemics if it can create a vaccine within 100 days, and there is currently not enough effort in that direction, according to the Wall Street Journal. for the fact that attention is now paid to the preparation for countering the pandemic less than I expected, «- said Gates in an interview with the publication. Kudrin urged to prepare for uncertainty amid a pandemic, he added that humanity will be ready for a pandemic if it will be able to create a vaccine within 100 days and produce enough drug to vaccinate the entire world population for another 100 days. «The only real solution to this problem is having factories that can produce enough doses of vaccines for the entire world in 100 days. This is doable, «Gates said. He also noted the need to address inequalities among countries with different income levels in access to vaccines. In January, Gates said, that the world is not ready for the next pandemic, which could be ten times worse than the COVID-19 pandemic. In his opinion, the coronavirus has become a part of everyday life to the same extent as earthquakes, tornadoes or climate change, so governments should make more efforts to prepare for pandemics in the future. WHO announced the release of the incidence of COVID-19 in the world on a plateau