MINSK, 14 Sep. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that the country is successfully resisting hybrid attacks directed against it, and urged its supporters not to succumb to them, especially in “snotty messengers and Telegram channels.” “You and I have the greatest responsibility. Yes, we won the blitzkrieg. We are resisting hybrid attacks. And successfully. But now it is necessary to unite not only the healthy part — their overwhelming majority — but also those who staggered under the weight of yesterday's attacks, «Lukashenka quoted his press service on the president's official website as saying. The President made this statement during the ceremony of presenting state awards to honored figures in various fields. The ceremony took place at the Palace of Independence on the eve of the country's first celebration of National Unity Day, a recently established public holiday. Tikhanovskaya said that Biden will help the Belarusian opposition to win, the head of the Belarusian state noted that talented and hardworking, true patriots, brave and reliable people, devoted to their cause and the state, united by one goal — to save the country for future generations, gathered at the Palace of Independence. According to him, all those present are united by patriotism and love for the homeland. «We did not betray, we did not flinch. This is worth a lot for each of you. he will understand in the near future. Do not succumb to any attacks. Especially in these snotty messengers, Telegram channels, etc. It's like the foam will subside. There will remain something that you should always be proud of and that your children should follow, «the president emphasized. Protasevich told how protests were organized in Belarus including used special means and special equipment. Opposition representatives are especially active on the Internet and Telegram channels, including through them they coordinated for unsanctioned protests and criticized supporters of the authorities. On February 11, the KGB of Belarus announced that the situation in the country had stabilized, the peak of the protests had passed, and their manifestations had practically disappeared. In Belarus, criminal cases have been initiated against a number of opposition leaders, including calls for the seizure of power, the creation of an extremist group, a conspiracy to seize state power by unconstitutional means, an attempted terrorist attack. , USA, Canada and a number of other countries gradually introduced sanctions against Belarusian officials, as well as enterprises, accusing Minsk of electoral violations and human rights violations. The Belarusian authorities, in turn, have repeatedly stated that the protest actions in the country are being coordinated from abroad. Lukashenka accused the West of direct interference in the situation in the republic, noted that the unrest is directed by the United States, and the Europeans «play along» with it. The expert explained why the protests in Belarus «faded»