GENERICO.ruМедицинаThe first signs of lung disease are named

The first signs of lung disease are named

The first signs of lung disease that should not be missed.

More and more people are exposed to lung diseases every year — and not all of these ailments are safe. Moreover, even those diseases that can be easily cured in the early stages, if taken too late or insufficient measures can turn into something really serious. Here are some early symptoms of lung diseases that should not be ignored — and immediately consult a doctor, as soon as you notice them, in yourself or your loved ones.

Swelling, pain, or weakness in the legs

It would seem how the lungs and legs can be connected? But the fact is that soreness, swelling, weakness, or numbness in one or both legs can be a manifestation of deep vein thrombosis — and if the situation develops unfavorably, a blood clot can rupture and enter your lung, causing a condition called pulmonary embolism. If you notice unusual sensations in your legs, and especially if you ate they are accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pains or shortness of breath, see your doctor immediately! This could be the first sign of lung disease.

Labored breathing

Stress, influenza and viral upper respiratory tract infections can be associated with breathing difficulties. But if this condition does not go away for a long time (more than two weeks) and especially if it is accompanied by a high or low temperature, you need to urgently consult a doctor: perhaps the disease has spread to the lungs and you develop pneumonia. Remember: trouble breathing is a sign of lung disease.

Do you prefer to use the elevator

You need to go up to the second or third floor, but you do not go up the stairs, but prefer the elevator? If it’s not fatigue or laziness, but the fact that you are «out of breath» even from short loads, immediately consult a doctor. Shortness of breath for no reason — one of the most common manifestations of COPD — chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, one of the most «deadly» diseases in the world. Shortness of breath is very serious, never ignore this symptom of lung disease!

You can't take a deep breath

Asthma can develop at any age and among the reasons that can trigger its appearance are chronic sinusitis and other viral diseases. As doctors note, many adult patients, before going to a specialist, did not even assume that they were developing asthma — and yet, this is a serious disease that can even threaten the patient's life. If you notice wheezing in your chest or have difficulty breathing deeply, see your doctor as soon as possible: the early signs of lung disease are best kept under control!

Your voice has changed

This is a very important symptom of lung problems in women and men, and you should definitely pay attention to your health if someone close to you noticed that your voice began to sound differently. Of course, the cause may be a cold or hoarseness, which will go away after a week or two, but if the hoarseness persists for a long time, you should see a doctor — this may be another symptom of COPD.

Shoulder pain

Another symptom that at first glance has nothing to do with the lungs, but which definitely should not be ignored: the fact is that some types of tumors that develop in the lungs can affect the nerves located near the shoulder. So if you did not injure or pinch the muscles and your spine is also in order, and your shoulder hurts, see a doctor sooner rather than later. Shoulder pain can be an early symptom of lung cancer.

Your nails change color

Darkening of the nails or the appearance of a bluish tint on them is a reason to sound the alarm, as this can also be a sign of a disease of the lungs and bronchi. COPD often causes the tissues not to receive enough blood — and a bluish tinge can appear on the lips, nails, and even the skin. Be sure to see your doctor as soon as possible!

You have lost weight

Losing weight for no apparent reason is always a reason to see your doctor. It is one of the most common symptoms of some types of cancer, and it can also be a manifestation of COPD and a symptom of other lung diseases. Be sure to see your doctor as soon as possible if you have lost weight, although you have not made any effort to do so, have not changed your diet and lifestyle!

What can be done to prevent lung disease?

  • Eat more foods rich in fatty acids: they help reduce inflammation, including in the lungs;
  • Do breathing exercises every day;
  • Eat tomatoes: the lycopene in them helps to reduce shortness of breath and even asthma symptoms;
  • Allow yourself a glass of white wine occasionally: the antioxidants it contains protect the lung cells from damage. But if you've recently had a coronavirus or other lung disease, abstain from alcohol!
  • Visit your dentist regularly: People whose teeth and gums are out of order are 1.5 times more likely to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


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