MOSCOW, 15 Sep. The vulnerability was discovered on the portal of state services of the Russian Federation «Gosuslugi», it allows you to redirect users from the site to any other resources, Igor Bederov, an expert at the SafeNet engineering center of the National Technology Initiative (NTI), who found it, told RIA Novosti. covert redirect). «The user is redirected to the captcha input page (defining a person or a robot requesting access — ed.) on the State Services website. After its introduction, the user can be redirected to any other network resource, including those containing malicious software. , which will be automatically installed on the device of the «victim», — said Bederov. He explained that «the user will most often be shown only the first part of the link pointing to the portal» Gosuslug «, and the redirecting part of the link will be cut off by the social network or messenger itself. Previously, similar systems of secret user redirection appeared for the social networks VKontakte, Youtube and Instagram. «» To protect their data and devices, users should be sure to check the link address before clicking on it, this can be done using antivirus software and hyperlink decryptors. So, the user will be able to see in advance what resource he will end up on and whether he will not download malware on the way. In addition, it is recommended to timely update all the software used, so you can protect yourself from vulnerabilities, including even before attackers have time to exploit them, «Bederov advises. He clarified that the vulnerability found has already been reported to the Gosuslugi portal. … The expert told how scammers find out about the state of the accounts of Russians