MOSCOW, 15 Sep. The price of gas in Europe has broken another record, for the first time in history, reaching $ 900 per thousand cubic meters, follows from the data of ICE Futures trading. On Wednesday, the price jumped 12%. The price of the October futures on the Dutch TTF index at 9:35 Moscow time was 841.39 dollars per thousand cubic meters. By 10:21 it had risen to $ 851.27, and a little later — at 10:46 — it exceeded $ 875.84. The previous record was set yesterday when the figure reached $ 810. The expert explained the rise in gas prices in Europe in 2021 The cost of fuel in Europe has grown by 22% since the beginning of the week, and since the beginning of September has soared almost one and a half times — on September 1, gas traded at $ 614 per thousand cubic meters. Analysts believe that such dynamics due to low stocks of raw materials in the EU due to the cold winter last year. Thus, on September 14, European gas storage facilities were filled to 70.75%, last year the figure was 93%. At the same time, according to experts, Gazprom does not want to increase pumping and sales against the background of the launch of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Putin explained high gas prices in Europe