MOSCOW, 16 Sep. The money “goes” to the one who wants it and tries to get it, although a lot also depends on objective circumstances. In other words, the possibility of receiving money depends on how much a person can and wants to earn it, Andrei Girinsky, associate professor of the Faculty of Economics of the RUDN University, tells the Prime Agency. In his opinion, the phrase “money goes” is suitable for those who want to get it and know how “For those who do not know how to use money and do not seek to earn more money from it, money eventually stops“ going ”, he notes. Earning opportunities may vary depending on objective circumstances — education, health, experience, place of residence, etc. Desire is a purely personal moment — it happens that a person declares that he wants to make money, but in fact cuts off all opportunities, Girinsky pointed out. The expert warned how you can lose money by buying up shares