Marina Borzhemskaya suggested how to eat in order to maintain healthy sleep.
There are foods that can help you sleep. But this does not mean that they need to be eaten constantly and in huge quantities, reports with reference to.
The famous trainer and weight loss expert Marina Borzhemskaya shared the list of products for good sleep on her Instagram.
Sleep-Enhancing Foods:
Walnuts are a rich source of tryptophan, an amino acid that contributes to the production of seratonin and melatonin levels necessary for healthy sleep (these hormones are responsible for our biological clock and sense of time). It is these two substances that help normalize circadian rhythms, fall asleep quickly and sound sleep.
Almonds are rich in magnesium. And according to research, low levels of this substance make it difficult to fall asleep quickly.
One of the most popular ingredients in light salads, lettuce is an indispensable aid in the fight against insomnia. It's all about the rich content of lactucarium — a substance that resembles a sedative in action. By the way, lettuce, by the way, can not only be eaten, but also brewed: to prepare «salad» tea, you need to pour hot water over four large leaves and leave for 15 minutes. And in order to make the drink more pleasant to the taste, you can add a little mint to it.
Another invaluable source of tryptophan is shrimp, as strange as it sounds. A good reason to indulge yourself with seafood delicacies at night looking.
Tuna and salmon
Fish, especially tuna and salmon, are extremely rich in vitamin B6, which is most actively involved in the production of melatonin and serotonin. By the way, among other products where you can get this vitamin are garlic (extremely fresh) and pistachios.
Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is the first recommended remedy for insomnia. And for good reason: one cup of the aromatic broth raises the level of glycine, which, in turn, gently soothes the nerves and relieves muscle tension.