GENERICO.ruВ миреFormer Indian Ambassador to Moscow spoke about expectations from the meeting between Putin and Modi

Former Indian Ambassador to Moscow spoke about expectations from the meeting between Putin and Modi

MOSCOW, Dec 3 At the meeting, the leaders of Russia and India Vladimir Putin and Narendra Modi can discuss energy, the military-industrial complex and economic cooperation, as well as touch on the problem of Afghanistan, said former Indian Ambassador to Russia, Chairman of the Indian National Security Advisory Council Pundi Srinivasan Raghavan. » on the eve of this visit, it is important to note that it is of great importance for our bilateral relations, «the ex-ambassador said during the Moscow-Delhi video bridge organized by the Russia Today news agency. The Indian Foreign Minister commented on the state of relations with China «Of course, there are many bilateral issues: energy, the military-industrial complex. Of course, they will also discuss economic cooperation,» the expert noted. He added that the topic of Afghanistan is also relevant for discussion. «Russia and India need to act together in many areas … A lot has happened since the last meeting of Putin and Modi in 2019, so the two leaders have a lot to discuss. There is the issue of India and China, which is of great importance for our country, and strategic the partnership between India and Russia should not feel any impact on the part of relations between India and China. I believe that all this will be on the agenda, «the expert concluded, adding that good personal relations have developed between the leaders, an active work. On December 6, the Russian President will visit the Republic of India. During the talks with Indian Prime Minister Modi, it is planned to discuss the further development of relations of a particularly privileged strategic partnership between the two countries. The Kremlin press service noted that the leaders will exchange views on topical issues on the international agenda, including joint work within the G20, BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.


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