GENERICO.ruВ миреGermany calls the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border tense

Germany calls the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border tense

BERLIN, Dec 3 The situation on the border between Poland and Belarus remains tense, but much calmer than a few weeks ago, said at a briefing spokesman for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Steve Alter. We also have information that the migration dynamics in Belarus has not yet been completely reduced … but it has become much calmer, «Alter said, adding that» we know that there is a return from Belarus, a voluntary departure (migrants — ed.) to the countries of origin. «» This means that the situation remains serious, but compared to last weeks, it is much calmer, «- added the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Several thousand migrants have accumulated on the border of Belarus and Poland in recent weeks in hopes e to get to the EU countries. The Polish authorities have strengthened border security, pulled in the military and thwarted attempts by illegal immigrants to enter the country, blaming Minsk for the migration crisis. Belarus denies all these accusations, claiming that Poland is forcibly expelling migrants to its territory and artificially aggravating the situation with refugees. The US called on «Belarus organization of migration «across EU borders


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