GENERICO.ruВ миреMoscow and Minsk will not allow rewriting the history of the war, Matvienko said

Moscow and Minsk will not allow rewriting the history of the war, Matvienko said

MOSCOW, Dec 3 Russia and Belarus will not allow anyone to rewrite the history of the Great Patriotic War and belittle the scale of the feat of the Soviet people, said the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. «We will not allow anyone to rewrite the heroic pages of our common past, to belittle the scale of the feat committed 80 years ago by our fathers and grandfathers,» she said in a video message on the opening of the exhibition in Minsk. Battle for Moscow. Immortality of feat «dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Soviet counteroffensive. The speaker recalled that the battle of Moscow became one of the largest operations in the history of the Second World War, while the capital of the USSR was defended by representatives of many peoples of the Soviet Union.» Our countries cherish the sacred memory of that terrible war and take a unified position, defending the historical truth.Belarus' contribution to our common victory is enormous: its people suffered the hardest human lose it during the Great Patriotic War «, — said Matvienko.


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