GENERICO.ruВ миреREO recommended abandoning plastic packaging for vegetables and fruits

REO recommended abandoning plastic packaging for vegetables and fruits

MOSCOW, Dec 3 The Russian environmental operator (REO) has prepared guidelines for retail chains: experts advise to abandon plastic packaging for seasonal vegetables and fruits, and also not to use packaging from several components. «Our methodology describes in detail which more environmentally friendly packaging should be switched. For example, citizens should not buy vegetables and fruits in separate packages, it is better take bags for them with you, and stores should switch to monomaterials, use dispensers and reusable containers for some goods, «the words of the Director General of REO Denis Butsaev are quoted in the message. , develop programs to encourage customers to use their own reusable containers and packaging, including lunch boxes, thermoses, reusable mugs «Preference should be given to the use of monomaterials to be disposed of using technologies that have practical application on the territory of the Russian Federation,» the document says. % — packaging. REO told about the difficulties of processing cosmetics packaging


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