GENERICO.ruВ миреThe DPR said they sent Ukraine proposals to stabilize the situation

The DPR said they sent Ukraine proposals to stabilize the situation

MOSCOW, Dec 3 The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the republic, Natalya Nikonorova, said that new proposals were sent to Kiev to stabilize the situation in Donbass. «Our main goal is to return Ukraine to the framework of negotiations, to the framework of a peaceful diplomatic settlement of the process,» she said on the First Channel. them, a new option for resolving the conflict could help stop the shelling, which continues to this day. According to her, representatives of the DPR have changed proposals regarding the coordination mechanism created to implement additional measures to control the ceasefire in Donbass. December 9, 2019, 9:34 pm The Telegram channel reported that the republic has developed a draft statement of the contact group on the mechanisms for the implementation of ceasefire measures in Donbass. According to him, it includes an official refutation by Kiev of statements on the permission of the Ukrainian security forces to fire, the launch of a verification mechanism and prevention of ceasefire violations, «ensuring the inevitability of punishment for violations. «» The adoption of this statement will stabilize the situation and return to a substantive dialogue on the security track. This proposal from the republics will be preliminarily worked out on Tuesday at the next meeting of the Working Group on Security, «Moskovsky added. Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov stated that the number of Western instructors has increased in the Donbass. In his opinion, such actions of NATO countries can provoke the Ukrainian authorities «to military adventures.» The DPR accused the Ukrainian security forces of shelling the western outskirts of Donetsk


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