How to recover from feasts.
The wave of holidays begins to cover already by end of December: corporate parties, matinees, congratulations from friends. Sweets, gingerbread cookies, tangerines fly in with a bang. And on the 31st there is a heavy landing with Olivier, a fur coat and a stuffed goose. Add to this the alcoholic hodgepodge and night festivities, reports with reference to RBC-Ukraine.
What is the threat to the body and how to recover as quickly as possible after the feasts, nutritionist Svetlana Nikitchuk told Instagram.
By the end of a long weekend, the logical conclusion is:
- extra pounds
- puffiness
- loss of tone
- fatigue on the face and circles under the eyes
- broken daily routine
- apathy, irritability
Steadfastly accept the consequences and start working as early as possible.
Top 9 rules to get out of the New Year's whirlwind: < p> 1. Let's start the day right. Let the remnants of the New Year's table not beckon you. The next morning, after a late dinner, it is recommended to skip breakfast and drink only water until 12: 00-13: 00. Then a light protein breakfast (omelet with herbs).
2. We don't go to extremes. No unloading or detoxification on January 1st. Such changes will plunge the body into even more stress, and it will begin to stock up.
3. We stop the negative processes of overeating (fermentation, heaviness). To do this, in the morning after getting up and in the evening before going to bed, we drink a glass of warm water with lemon.
4. We return to our usual meal plan and food combinations. You have already mixed enough on the holidays and ate when you wanted. Now is the time to normalize the digestive tract. Add greens to every meal to help detoxify.
5. We arrange a fasting day. 3-4 days after the meal, the detox will benefit the body.
6. We connect physical activity. The process of removing toxins goes through the pores, skin, with breathing, so spend your time with benefit: skiing, skating, walking, playing with children, etc.
7. Add bath procedures. It also speeds up the elimination of toxins. If it is not possible to go to the sauna, take a hot bath with salt.
8. Restoring water balance.
9. Get enough sleep. This does not mean that we sleep during the day like marmots, and at night hop-hey-la-la-lay. No. We go to bed on time and get up earlier.
These simple recommendations will allow you to spend the holidays in a good mood and with minimal consequences for your figure and health.