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A mathematician discovered a secret code in the Bible

Allegedly there are prophecies in the Old and New Testaments.

On the eve of the bright Feast of the Nativity of Christ, many of us are increasingly turning to the Bible. They seek answers to questions in it and draw the wisdom of being. However, some scholars argue that the Holy Scriptures contain encrypted prophecies about what significant events will take place on Earth for whole millennia.& # 171; The Bible does contain a code. With its help, several dramatic events have already been predicted that happened in exact accordance with the predictions & # 187;, & # 8212; said the American journalist, author of the best-selling book & # 171; Bible Code & # 187; Michael Droznin.

So, this code & # 171; opened & # 187; Israeli mathematician Ilya Rips is one of the world's foremost group theorists. According to Michael Droznin, his main works have been confirmed by renowned scientists at Harvard and Yale Universities.

The essence of & # 171; opening & # 187; lies in the fact that, allegedly in the Old and New Testaments, the Torah allegedly encoded such events as the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in November 1995, the assassination of Anwar Sadat, the Kennedy brothers, World War and many other events.

Droznin's associates say that the scriptures contain information today about the coronavirus pandemic and that it came from Wuhan.

& # 171; Decoding & # 187; The Bible has been studied by great scholars for many centuries. In particular, the founder of classical physics, Isaac Newton, who had a religious education.

Science does not recognize the version

It is reported that even & # 171; the date of the beginning of the Third World War, as a result of which all mankind will perish & # 187 ;.

However, the official science is in no hurry to recognize the work of a mathematician. For sure, no one knows the age of the ancient manuscripts that have come down.

& # 171; There is no single text of the Old Testament, when reproducing a handwritten book, the text & # 171; breathes & # 187;, grammatical forms change, letters are skipped. If you work with modern printed text and separate letters from it with a certain frequency, you can get something meaningful. But, in principle, I have big doubts about this & # 187;, & # 8212; said the famous theologian, professor Andrei Kuraev.

You can try to isolate the code, but it will have no value in the scientific sense. Rather, it is a mythology, closer to the artistic or historical field.


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