MOSCOW, January 6 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia began service at the Moscow Cathedral of Christ Savior on Christmas. Channel One, Russia 1 and Spas TV channels, as well as the website of the Russian Orthodox Church are broadcasting the patriarchal night service live. some other local Orthodox churches in the world, as well as Eastern Catholics and Protestants who adhere to the Julian calendar, which is dedicated to the events of more than 2,000 years ago, when the pregnant Mother of God and her husband Joseph came to Bethlehem. There were no places in the Bethlehem hotels, so they spent the night in a cave intended for cattle, where Jesus was born. In a cave, lying in a manger (cattle feeder), instead of a cradle, he is depicted on icons and in Christmas nativity scenes. The first to see the newborn were the shepherds, who were informed about the birth of the Savior by an angel. And even earlier, the Magi went to Bethlehem with the gifts of the Magi: they saw in the sky a phenomenon that is now called the Star of Bethlehem. some Protestants who adhere to the Julian calendar. Christians who adhere to the Gregorian and New Julian calendar celebrate it on the night of December 24-25. This is the Roman Catholic Church, some Protestants (Lutherans, Anglicans, part of the Methodists, Baptists and Pentecostals), as well as part of the Orthodox churches: Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Romanian, Bulgarian, Cypriot, Greek, Albanian churches and the Orthodox Church in America. And in the Orthodox churches of the Czech lands and Slovakia, Christmas is celebrated twice — according to the Julian and New Julian calendar.