GENERICO.ruЭкономикаTax authorities are preparing for inspections: who they will come to with an inspection

Tax authorities are preparing for inspections: who they will come to with an inspection

More than a quarter of inspections will affect & # 171; fop & # 187;

In the current 2022, inspectors of the State Tax Service (STS) have planned inspections of 6756 companies, reports with reference to Vesti.

In particular, 1703 private entrepreneurs need to prepare for the visits of tax officials — over 25 % of the total number of inspections.

The reasons for the inspections were determined by the tax authorities in the Schedule of scheduled taxpayer inspections.

STS employees can come with a check to business entities in such cases:

  • the level of income tax payment is 50% lower than the industry average;
  • the company has relations with counterparties that are wanted or liquidated — the amount of transactions is more than 5% of the total volume, but not less than UAH 100 thousand;
  • there is information I am about tax evasion;
  • there are signs of fictitiousness;
  • registration canceled by court;
  • the fact of failure to submit tax reports within two reporting periods was established;
  • are wanted or declared bankrupt.

Recall that the first tax audits are scheduled for January 2022. The STS noted that about 2300 subjects have three or more risk factors for tax evasion, which is approximately 49% of the total.

Actual figures for the number of active funds. Tellingly, over the years, incomes to the Ukrainian economy from entrepreneurs have increased 5 times, in 2019 & # 8212; $ 1 billion, and in 2020 tax revenues amounted to UAH 52.5 billion.


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