GENERICO.ruЭкономикаWhat awaits pensioners in 2022: a calendar of pay increases

What awaits pensioners in 2022: a calendar of pay increases

How much Ukrainian pensioners will receive.

The Ministry of Social Policy has drawn up a calendar recalculation of pensions for 2022, which includes 12 stages of targeted increase in pensions for various categories of pensioners. The average pension at the end of the year will amount to 4.5 thousand hryvnia, reports with reference to RBC-Ukraine.

According to the press service, for 2022 the calendar of increases in pensions includes:

In & nbsp; January & nbsp; & # 8212; increasing pensions for people who have received disabilities as a result of the Chernobyl accident. These pensions will be calculated based on five times the minimum wage as of January 1 of the corresponding year (UAH 6500).

Also in & nbsp; January & nbsp; will establish an increase of 9% to the pension for age of women born in 1962.

In & nbsp; March & nbsp; & # 8212; annual planned indexation of pensions. It is planned that the indexation will be extended to payments and for categories of pensioners who were excluded from this mechanism in 2017: civil servants, scientists, journalists, military.

В & nbsp; April & nbsp; & # 8212; recalculation of pensions for working pensioners. Automatic recalculation of pensions takes into account the received work experience and the salary received by a working pensioner.

In & nbsp; July & nbsp; & # 8212; increase due to the increase in the cost of living. The minimum pensions will grow from 1,934 to 2,027 hryvnias. Pension allowances tied to the minimum subsistence level will also grow.

In & nbsp; October & nbsp; & # 8212; introduction of additional payments of 300 hryvnia for pensioners aged 70-75 years. In addition, a minimum pension payment of UAH 3,000 will be established for pensioners if they have an insurance record of 30 years for women and 35 years for men. For people 70-75 years old with less experience (from 20 to 30 years for women and from 25 to 35 years for men), pension payments will range from UAH 2,500 to UAH 3,000.

В & nbsp; October & nbsp; the minimum wage will rise to 6,700 hryvnia, and therefore the minimum old-age pension for pensioners from 65 years old, if they have sufficient work experience (30 years for women and 35 years for men), will be increased from 2,600 to 2,680 hryvnias.

In & nbsp; December & nbsp; the minimum pensions will increase from UAH 2,027 to UAH 2,093. Pension allowances will rise due to the increase in the cost of living. For non-working pensioners aged 60-70, with sufficient work experience, the minimum pension will be 2,500 hryvnia. For pensioners with less experience, the pension payment will be from 2,093 to 2,500 hryvnia.

& # 171; As a result of the planned increases for the next year, the average pension at the end of 2022 will be 4533 UAH & # 187 ;, & # 8212; According to the report.

Note that the state budget provides for an increase in the subsistence minimum for persons who have lost the ability to work (minimum pension) by 8.2%. The minimum pension will be from January 1 & # 8212; 1934 hryvnia, from July 1 & # 8212; 2027 hryvnia, from December 1 & # 8212; 2093 hryvnia.

Recall that the average pension in Ukraine as of January 1, 2021 was 3500 hryvnia. As of October 1, it rose to UAH 3900.


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