Almost half of Russians (47%) assess the political situation in Russia as tense, 12% — as critical, follows from a survey by the Levada Center * (available at the disposal of Novaya Gazeta).
About a third (32%) of those polled said the political situation was calm and only 7% said it was safe.
Almost half of the respondents (48%) assess the economic situation in Russia as «average». At the same time, a third of Russians (30%) called the economic situation «bad», another 11% — «very bad». Only 8% of Levada respondents answered that the economic state of Russia is «good», 1% — «very good.» and the economic situation (44% and 49%).
38% and 35% of respondents expect improvements, respectively.
Also, half of Russians (55%) said that the government countries within the next year will not be able to improve the situation in Russia (35% — «probably not», 20% — «definitely not»). At the same time, 39% said that the government would be able to do it (6% answered that the authorities «certainly can» improve the situation in the country, 33% — «more likely to be able»).