GENERICO.ruВ миреLavrov expressed hope for the resumption of negotiations with the United States on security

Lavrov expressed hope for the resumption of negotiations with the United States on security

MOSCOW, Jan 14 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed hope that negotiations with the United States on security guarantees will be renewed, this will depend on Washington's response to Russian proposals. «Much of what is being said publicly today is probably connected with the artificial escalation of tension, with the desire to create an atmosphere around the Russian Federation, including as an additional background for negotiations that began in Geneva continued in Brussels and which, I hope, we will be able to resume. But this will depend on the response of the United States, a specific written response to our proposals,» Lavrov said at a press conference at the end of the year. At the end of 2021 Russia published draft treaties with the United States and agreements with NATO on security assurances. Moscow, in particular, demands from its Western partners legal guarantees of refusing further eastward expansion of NATO, joining the Ukrainian bloc, and establishing military bases in post-Soviet countries. On Wednesday, a meeting of the Russia-NATO Council was held in Brussels. The meeting was a follow-up to negotiations on security guarantees between Russia and the United States, which took place on January 9-10 in Geneva. On Thursday, consultations were held at the OSCE platform in Vienna on Russian proposals for security guarantees. 2022/01/18793451baf3857efbabd4758e53e072.jpg» />Infographic


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