Stack of magazinesKYIV, Jan 16The Ukrainian party «Opposition Platform — For Life» announced discrimination and harassment of Russian-speaking Ukrainians due to the transition of Russian-language print media to the Ukrainian language. language law that discriminates against the rights of Russian-speaking citizens and representatives of other national communities.Now, every print media that comes out in another language is obliged to publish the same circulation and in the same volume in Ukrainian.At the same time, place advertisements in the press in any languages other than Ukrainian, English or EU languages is prohibited. This rule will make the release of media in Russian unprofitable, and it will be impossible for Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine to receive information in their native language,» the statement on the party's website reads.In Ukraine, they were outraged by the abundance of Russian-language content on the New Year's airThe political forces demand to revise the language legislation. «Opposition Platform — For Life» demands to revise the language legislation and stop discrimination of cultural, linguistic and educational rights of Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine, representatives of other national communities. Ensure strict observance of the Constitution of Ukraine, which guarantees the free development, use and protection of the Russian language and other languages of national minorities. We believe that ensuring the rights of man and citizens, equality and dialogue of languages and cultures is the only way to restore peace and guarantee the development of Ukraine. The policy of humiliation and discrimination must be stopped,» the parties added. In Ukraine, the norm of the law on ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language, regulating its use in the field of print media, comes into force. According to the new rules, all Ukrainian print media can now be published and be distributed in a foreign language only if a print run in the state language is simultaneously published.At the same time, in each place of their distribution, publications in Ukrainian must make up at least 50% of the entire range.Ukrainian politician boasted of his knowledge of English on air and disgraced himself