GENERICO.ruПолитикаDeputy Secretary of the Presidential Office Galushka is still in intensive care

Deputy Secretary of the Presidential Office Galushka is still in intensive care

MOSCOW, Jan 20 Alexander Galushka, deputy secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, remains in the intensive care unit of the city clinical hospital No. 52 in Moscow, RIA Novosti was told in a medical facility. In mid-December, information appeared in one of the Telegram channels that Galushka was hospitalized with a coronavirus. He was reported to have severe lung damage. Later, the hospital confirmed to the agency that Galushka was in intensive care. Later, the medical facility reported that he was in critical condition. «He is in intensive care,» the agency's interlocutor at the medical facility said. /02782b7cf0d581cfaf33cd45a8addc6c.jpg» />December 21, 2021, 10:59 am


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