UN, 20 Jan. UN General Assembly Chairman Abdullah Shahid called on the parties to the conflicts to agree on a ceasefire during the Beijing Olympics and conclude an «Olympic truce», follows from his appeal. The Olympics will be held from February 4 to 20.» 76th session, I make a solemn appeal to all Member States to demonstrate their commitment to the Olympic Truce in connection with the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games,” the message reads. The UNGA President calls for concrete action at the local, national , regional and international levels to «strengthen the culture of peace and harmony in the spirit of this truce.» «Remembering the original tradition of the «Olympic truce» that developed in ancient times, … I also appeal to all participants in ongoing armed conflicts around the world with an appeal to decisively agree on a genuine mutual ceasefire for the duration of the «Olympic truce,» thus creating an opportunity to resolve differences by peaceful means,» Shahid said.