Doctors and patients in the intensive care unit of the COVID hospital based in Krasnodar Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2. Archival photoMOSCOW, January 21Changing the treatment regimens for coronavirus in patients with the Omicron strain is not required, the sick are treated with the same drugs and according to the same rules, an infectious disease doctor, candidate of medical sciences told RIA Novosti Andrey Pozdnyakov, head physician of the clinical diagnostic laboratory of Invitro-Sibir LLC.
"Despite the new and frightening letter of the Greek alphabet in the history of the pandemic of the most famous disease 2020-2022, the following can be said about therapy: nothing changes& #34;, — said Pozdnyakov.
He explained that «for mild forms of the disease, which are the majority, symptomatic therapy is used: a regimen, an easily digestible diet, an abundant fluid load and drugs that, if necessary, relieve the symptoms of this disease.» In the treatment of moderate and severe forms, the following are consistently added: local and systemic glucocorticosteroids , anticoagulants, monoclonal antibodies, etc. There are no changes in therapeutic tactics depending on the strain that caused the disease in a particular patient,» the candidate of medical sciences emphasized. The doctor spoke about the difference between «omicron» and other strains of COVID-19 Pozdnyakov noted that «etiotropic (specific antiviral) therapy for this infection is still at the very initial stage of widespread use: the effectiveness of favipiravir is not yet very convincing, remdesivir It is used only in hospitals, by intravenous administration. The newest drugs registered at the end of 2021: domestic development — synthetic small interfering RNA (MIR-19 from the Federal State Budgetary Institution «SSC Institute of Immunology» FMBA of Russia), nirmatrelvir/ritonavir combination (commercial name Paxlovid, Pfizer), molnupiravir (commercial name Lagivrio, MSD) — only enter medical facilities. Their real effectiveness will become clear after a certain time,» the doctor concluded.